About eSIM4Fly

How did it feel  to receive a huge roaming bill after your vacation?

Were you desperately searching for free Wi-Fi because you have lost phone service or connectivity while traveling? Have you spent time looking for a Local SIM vendor at the airport or on the streets without knowing the local langwich? We experienced all of these things. 

This is why we created eSIm4Fly.

Our eSIM Solution

eSIm4Fly is Israel’s first eSIM store that solves the cost of high roaming fees by giving you access to eSIMs (Digital SIM cards) 24/7 so you will always be connected to your friends and family for Travel or work. With eSIMs from eSIm4Fly, download and install a digital data pack for more than 150 countries/regions and be connected anywhere in the world the second you land.

Our Mission

eSIm4Fly mission is to provide global data connectivity for all tourists or working nomads. We’re here to release you from the roaming of your service provider’s limits and start building what’s been broken for years.

With the best price and service possible.